A.O. “The Association for Urban Safety and Mediation from Moldova” was set up on 22.07.2020.
Thank you for fighting with us in order to solve the problems that involve human rights!
The Association for Urban Safety and Mediation does not accept donations coming from corporations, political parties or the governments. Financial independency is a firm principle of our organization. We rely on the support of our donors. Each donation is extremely important and when we win fights for the respect of human rights is especially to your credits.
The change begins with each of us, so do not wait! We need more people in our team in order to get through the present situation in the country.
You can support financially our activity through: occasional or regular donations, sponsorships, tax rebates.
Donate through PayPal
If you want to contribute, press the button bellow:
Donate through Patreon
Currently unavailable.
Donate through bank account
Bank transfer
Account în LEI MDL:
Beneficiary: A.O. Asociația pentru Siguranță Urbană și Mediere
Address: str-la Uzinei nr. 2, Edineț
CIF: 1020620005369 IBAN: MD37ML000000002251526705
Banca: Moldincondbank S.A.
The bank’s address: str. Independenței nr. 104, Edineț
For bank transfers legal entities, please call us beforehand.
Redirect 2%
If you want to support our activities, you can redirect 2% from your income tax by completing the CET 18 forms at “The Fifth Section”, in M1 cassette- introduce the ASUM Moldova fiscal code.