The Republic of Moldova always opens its arms wide when it comes to financing from the European Union, but I do not know if we have ever wondered why it has not yet become a member state?
Membership of the EU cannot be achieved from one day to the next, but requires a complex procedure. Once the conditions for accession are met, candidate countries must apply European legislation in all areas. These conditions include the existence of a market economy, a stable democracy, the rule of law, and the acceptance of EU legislation, including that relating to the EURO.
Yes – stable democracy and the rule of law. The principle of the rule of law is the foundation of democracy in a state, and the justice system is characterized by integrity and equality in terms of the legal treatment of citizens, with respect for human rights being paramount. Also, there are specialized institutions, created with the aim of ensuring compliance and implementation of legal provisions, both by individuals and legal entities.
The main activity of ASUM from Moldova is focused on the respect of fundamental human rights and freedoms.
This is how we decided to establish the Asociației pentru Siguranță Urbană și Mediere din Moldova, aka ASUM Moldova, based in Edinet, but which will operate throughout the Republic of Moldova.
We were asked what “Urban Safety” means? Urban security is the totality of the mandatory conditions offered by a state to every citizen for a normal, civilized and safe life in a democratic state, regardless of the day, time or place. It can mean-from correctly crossing a pedestrian crossing to an irregularly parked car that covers your field of vision and puts your life at risk, to bypassing a pit that puts your life at risk as a driver and other road users, to the safety of crossing a park or any other area during the day or night, etc.
If each of us took the right decision in a particular situation that concerns him/her, things would change much faster in the good sense.
The evolution of the well-done thing comes from education and knowledge, and where it is more precarious – we try to support it. Only through education and the power of example, through collaboration and partnerships with society and state institutions, the whole Edinet district can also demonstrate to others that IT CAN ALSO HAPPEN TO US!