Acasă News What we did in 2021

What we did in 2021

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At the end of 2021, we can say that our efforts were largely focused on integrity, transparency in decision-making process, but also transparency as a general term in the work of public institutions. During the year, there were situations which showed that the institutions, both central and local, did not yet fully comply with the civil society consultation procedure in various draft documents. Positive changes only occur when civil society succeeds in mobilizing them and calls for the observance of the rights and legislation.

Court victories

The year 2021 brings the first small victories of the lawsuits filed by us:

  1. Edineț City Hall – execution pending. Decision
  2. Edineț City Hall and DPGL-C Edineț – execution pending. Decision
  3. Rotunda commune town hall – solved. Decision

Another 24 cases initiated

  1. Public Services Agency and Ministry of Justice – 1 – lack of public activity reports of NGOs in Edinet district for previous years, which is contrary to the legal provisions in force in the field
  2. The Ministry of Finance – 1 – the lack of monitoring and the taking of exact measures to remove the deficiencies found by the prescription submitted to Î.M. Apă Canal Edineț
  3. Central Electoral Commission – 1 – improper resolution of irregularities reported since the parliamentary elections of 22.07.21
  4. Edineț Police Inspectorate – 1 – inadequate settlement of the complaint regarding the public denigration made by the former head of OT Edineț of the State Chancellery, Mr. Gîra Eugeniu
  5. OT Edineț of the State Chancellery – 1 – lack of transparency and non-presentation of information of the activity of the Edineț Territorial Office
  6. Edineț City Hall and Edineț Municipal Council – 5 – lack of transparency of public meetings, public lighting, non-presentation of notices of illegal buildings on the central streets of the city, other topics of public interest
  7. Edineț District Council – 3 – lack of transparency in the organization of public competitions for NGOs, lack of transparency in the decision-making process regarding the allocation of funds for the bronze bust of the former mayor of Cupcini, other information from the Council’s activity
  8. Î. M. Apă Canal Edineț – 1 – access to information from the company’s activity
  9. ÎMSP Edineț District Hospital – 2 – access to information from the activity of the medical institution
  10. Brătușeni Town Hall, Zăbriceni Town Hall – 1 – lack of information from APL activity
  11. Rotunda commune town hall – 1 – lack of information from APL activity


We investigated and uncovered illegalities of some civil servants and public dignitaries from Edinet district, for which the National Integrity Authority initiated 5 control procedures regarding the observance of the legal regime of declaring wealth and personal interests.

In 2021 we were active in the decision-making process

We participated with recommendations in public consultations on various legislative initiatives of the Parliament (Customs Code, Law on local public administration, Condominium Law, Law on declaring wealth and personal interests).

At the local level, we participated in a series of public meetings of the Edineț District Council, as well as of the Edineț Municipal Council, at which we submitted our recommendations on various topics, but we also monitored the way in which they take place.

Unfortunately, in rural areas the situation is even worse.

Other activities

In the first half of the year, together with the Edinet Police Inspectorate, we carried out several actions to verify and monitor compliance with public health rules regarding the spread of Covid-19 infection.

In the second half of the year we participated in various training and information sessions within the project “Edineț – a city with a future perspective”, but also in a study visit in mun. Alba-Iulia, organized by the City Hall of Edineț.


We researched and exposed the case of paving Episcop Dorimendont Street by Decision no. 7/1 of 15.07.2020 of the Edineț Municipal Council, where we presented the illegalities committed both by the former councilor Adrian Cotelea, and by the way in which the decision was adopted by the Edineț Municipal Council. Details here. Following the materials, Mr. Cotelea Adrian resigned, both from the Edineț Municipal Council and from the Edineț District Council. Currently, the case of paving the street is under trial at the appeal stage, where the association has the quality of a third party. Recent events, however, confirm that the topic will be of interest in 2022.


On behalf of the ASUM team,

We wish you a peaceful end of the year and make the new together a year that will bring us closer to a better, fairer world that we each want.

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