ASUM has acted in its own initiative in the case of a violation of the right to free speech in public space by a public official. So, on March 16, at one of our posts that was distributed by a person, the head of a Territorial Office of the State Chancellery takes to task a citizen for the simplefact that he would have freely manifested his will and distributed the post.
The person who distributed this on Facebook ”What is happening? Everyone is talking on the public environment about a decision from 2017 with a value of 150.000 assigned for video cameras? It is true that we, as NGO, wanted to conduct a study regarding the public safety in Edinet municipality and we requested some time ago to be communicated the situation, how many supervision cameras there are and where they are located. Unfortunately, we were not communicated anything. Therefore, we chose the law court pathway. If there is a decision of 2017, as the gossips in the online environment say, it should be put into application. Who is in charge of it? ” Comments: Head of State Cancellery: XXX what are you sharing? Head of State Cancellery: As it may seem you are collaborating. It is clear. |

The fact that someone shares something in the public space is his /her will and he /she does not have to give anyone an explanation! His option and opinion regarding the material should not coincide with other people’s! No way! That is why we are free people and that is why we have fundamental rights and freedoms! It would be something to know and respect them, especially when we are appointed representatives of the Government in the territory and have a public position!
Article 32. Freedom of opinion and speech in the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova provides that:
(1) Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of thought, opinion and freedom of speech in public by word, image or other possible means.
If he does not respect it, it is something else, only that statements in the public space must be made with responsibility and assumption. This is also the Code of Conduct for public servants.
Peace to all and to as many free and assumed opinions as possible!